Replication slot does not exist

Specifies the maximum number of replication slots (see Section 25.2.6) that the server can support. The default is zero. This parameter can only be set at server start. wal_level must beSetting it to a lower value than the number of currently existing replication slots will prevent the server from starting. Monitoring Postgres Replication - pgDash | Physical … Logical replication works only via replication slots. A replication slot can be created for either physical replication or logical replication.It also says that this connection does not use a replication slot – if it did, the “slot_name” column would not be null.

Cannot drop the publication because at least one subscription exists for this publication. Drop all subscriptions to the publication before attempting to drop the publication. If the problem persists, replication metadata might be incorrect; consult Books Online for troubleshooting information. 'Node does not exist' error during replication | Alfresco… The job only replicates certain folders in the repository. It had been running fine, and I even set up a schedule for it to run each night, in preparationThe other day I noticed that it failed with a "node does not exist" error. I tried re-running the replication job and it is now consistently giving me that error. Ошибка СУБД: ERROR: relation … does not exist | IT… !!! Внимание Если у вас появляется ошибка «schemastorage does not exist» попробуйте сначала провести ТИИ (тестирование и исправление информационной базы), а именно только «реструктуризация БД«. В большинстве случаев она помогает, возможно поможет и при... Help! BP replication with error: "Acct group ... do not … "Dear Guru's Right now we are in an implementation of CRM5.0 with R/3 Ecc 6.0. We have set up the middleware and we are tyring to replicate BP's, but we are receiving this error ""Acct group IPSD does not exist ""..

PostgreSQL Replication Slots - OpsDash

Delete a push subscription at the Publisher (from the Local Publications folder in SQL Server Management Studio) or the Subscriber (from the Local Subscriptions folder). Deleting a subscription does not remove objects or data from the subscription; they must be removed manually. To delete a push subscription at the Publisher replication-replication distribution subsystem agent null ... Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent (null) failed. The publication 'TestX' does not exist. I recreated the publication and deleted it again, and still no change. After looking in Jobs, there were 2 Replication jobs that did not get deleted. I deleted jobs named TestX_DestinationServer and the errors stopped. Create and Apply the Initial Snapshot - SQL Server ... This topic describes how to create and apply the initial snapshot in SQL Server 2017 by using SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL, or Replication Management Objects (RMO). Merge publications that use parameterized filters require a two-part snapshot.

PostgreSQL's built-in Logical Replication

PostgreSQL 9.4 – Configuring Replication Slots – The little… PostgreSQL 9.4 - Configuring Replication Slots PostgreSQL 9.4 introduce a very useful feature called Replication Slots. Previously, we had to configure aPreviously, we had to configure a high value for WAL_KEEP_SEGMENTS parameter in postgresql.conf. This is done via estimation based on delta... Troubleshooting PostgreSQL Streaming Replication… Replication slots were introduced in PostgreSQL 9.4 to help ensure a primary PostgreSQL instance does not remove WAL files before a replica has received the file. A replication slot keeps track of the last LSN (log sequence number) that its connected replica has received. Every time a replica...

pg_replication_slots. The pg_replication_slots view provides a listing of all replication slots that currently exist on the database cluster, along with their current state. For more on replication slots, see Section 25.2.6 and Chapter 46.

repmgr 3.0.4 and postgres 9.4 on ubuntu (ERROR: … I'm not a DBA but I have been tasked with setting up a database and streaming replication and repmgr is the tool I have decided to use.[2016-07-22 15:39:36] [ERROR] unable to drop replication slot "repmgr_ slot_2": ERROR: replication slot "repmgr_slot_2" does not exist. postgresql логическая репликация - невозможно отменить… postgres=# select pg_drop_replication_slot('mysub'); ERROR: replication slot "mysub" does not exist.Поскольку вы не смогли отбросить слот репликации, неудивительно, что создание новой подписки с тем же именем (и, следовательно, слотом для репликации) терпит неудачу.

10.3 Resolving Problems | EnterpriseDB

PostgreSQL will not remove transaction log files for which changes exist that have not been processed by a replication slot. Mysql Replication for Redundancy - The aTech Media Blog - atech However, there is one area in which this classic relational database does not excel compared with the many Nosql options now available, and that is replication and resilience. Redis Cluster Specification – Redis While it is possible to have a Redis Cluster client implementation that does not remember the slots configuration (the map between slot numbers and addresses of nodes serving it) in memory and only works by contacting random nodes waiting … GitHub - JarvusInnovations/lapidus: Stream your PostgreSQL Stream your PostgreSQL, Mysql or MongoDB databases anywhere, fast. - JarvusInnovations/lapidus

If you promote a standby to a master and change the DNS name pointing to it the logical replication launcher will resolve the new name. There is one manual step however; physical replication does not copy replication slots, so in the case of failover we need to create a slot manually Replication: Publication 'PubName' does not exist... "The solutions and answers provided on Experts Exchange have been extremely helpful to me over the last few years. I wear a lot of hats - Developer, Database Administrator, Help Desk, etc., so I know a lot of things but not a lot about one thing. PostgreSQL and the logical replication -